Mashu Star

3D Modeler and Web Developer

A little about me


Age: 21

Gender: Male


3D modeling


Live Streaming

Watching YouTube

Favorite YouTubers:


Bobby Duke Arts


My Story

My name is Mashu Star. Of course, this is an alias of mine just to fend off people finding out where I live.

I started 3D modeling at the age of 13. I was just messing around at the time, and didn't really think too much about what I was doing. I just followed along with tutorials and didn't make much. After making about 3 models, (mostly unfinished) I eventually gave up 3D modeling to finish my homeschooling. I graduated in 2019 at the age of 17. Later, that same year, one of my favorite games (A Hat in Time) released a new DLC. With that new DLC, the official Discord for that server hosted a modding jam, which I decided to take part in. I had no prior knowledge of modding this game, or any game for that matter, but I decided to try.

The community there helped me learn a lot, and was really patient with me. Eventually, I wanted to update my mod with a custom model. That was the second time I downloaded Blender. It was only a small edit to an existing model, but it got me hooked. Soon, I was editing and merging models to make them look like how I wanted it to look, and then, I eventually released my first outfit mod. I had made--from scratch--a completely new clothing model for Hat Kid to wear. I released a few more outfit mods, as well as a full playable character mod, but I eventually stopped modding A Hat in Time since it wasn't really fun anymore and I couldn't come up with any more ideas.

Now, during a lot of my free time, I am using Blender to 3D model. I have modeled over 25 characters so far. Most of which are from my only 2 loyal commissioners.

Here are some examples of work I've done in the past!


Just a list of my skills and how good I am at each.

3D Modeling








Get in Contact!

If you like what you see, and you'd like a model or website of your own, feel free to contact me through any of my social media links down below!

© 2022 Mashu Star